Unworldly Encounter Complete Series Read online

Page 6

  “What is your work?” Jan asked, interrupting Andrea’s sleep-fogged thoughts.

  She shook her head, trying to clear it, trying to remember just what it was that she did for a living. “I work at an ad agency,” she said, “as an account manager.”

  Jan gave her a look of utter confusion. “Ah.” She bit her lip, trying to think of just how to explain that particular facet of human sociology and economics to someone who came from a culture that didn’t resemble anything human.

  “You must be at work soon?” Jan asked her, his voice almost plaintive. He was losing some of his accent, his English taking on a more natural tone, but there were still differences in the way he spoke—differences that Andrea wasn’t sure he could ever lose, particularly with the forked tongue in his mouth.

  “My job is… well, it’s important to my boss,” she said with a little laugh. “It’s not like I’m a scientist or anything like that.” She considered the question for a moment longer. “When someone of your people makes something, and they want to sell it, how do they go about telling other people that it exists?”

  Jan’s eyes widened in comprehension, “Ah, that. Yes. I had seen banners like the ones we employ on the educational sites for humans.” Andrea bit her lip, thinking of what those advertisements were more than likely for, considering the venue. “You make these things for your people?”

  Andrea shook her head, trying to explain her function within the company to him. Her alarm went off again, and she decided that she would just shut it off. “You’ve ruined me, you know,” she said, slipping out of Jan’s arms to find her phone on the desk in her bedroom.

  “How have I ruined you?” Jan smiled as if the thought pleased him.

  “I used to have perfect attendance. Never called in sick.” Andrea hung her head. “And now, I’m calling in when I’m not even technically sick to begin with.” She dialed her boss’ extension. He was not at his desk yet. She coughed a few times as the recording for his voicemail started. “Hey, Eric,” she said, making her voice as hoarse as possible. “I hate to do this to you, but I’ve come down with something…” she coughed a few more times, making an exaggerated sniff to punctuate her words. “It’s pretty vile. I think I’m going to try and fight it off, maybe come in tomorrow.” She set her phone down.

  “It is difficult for me to know how to feel,” Jan said, as Andrea stepped heavily back towards the bed. “On the one hand, as a good Master, I should punish you for lying to your boss. On the other side of the coin, I am happy you will be spending the day with me, and think I should reward you for your cleverness.”

  Andrea laughed, slipping under the covers and curling up close to Jan’s body. She had noticed that he was warmer than the average male of her acquaintance. “You could do both,” she suggested, looking up into his unearthly, golden brown eyes. “Punish me for lying and then reward me for being a good little one who does what it takes to be with you.” It surprised Andrea to realize how easily she had fallen into her role as Jan’s sub already. But then, she thought, it was hard not to get into the role when she had had seventy-two hours of intensive training. Jan seemed to be nearly insatiable, apart from occasionally needing to eat, sleep, and relieve himself; he had been eager to take advantage of every moment they had together to instill his dominance over her. He told her more than once that he wanted to complete the mating ritual with her before anything else happened.

  “I like this idea,” Jan said, his voice dropping low. His hands wandered over her body, caressing and teasing her, and Andrea felt herself becoming aroused automatically, falling into the state of ready desire and eagerness to please him. Jan pulled her face up to his and kissed her hungrily, his forked tongue probing her mouth, the ends slightly tickling her gums. Jan covered her body with his own, barely holding his weight off of her, and Andrea shivered at the feeling of his member digging into her; she still wasn’t quite accustomed to his enormous size, and her body still ached from taking him over and over again. “You have been a very naughty little one,” he told her, breaking away from her lips. “I must make you understand that lying is bad.”

  Andrea nodded obediently, submitting eagerly to whatever he might have in mind. “Please teach me, Master,” she said. She had full trust in Jan; he believed in safe words with a religious fervor. Her sex began to flood with moisture as Jan kissed her once more before lifting himself up off of the bed. He looked around the room and found his coverall, and Andrea waited, her nerves tingling, her skin crawling with anticipation and instinctive fear in spite of her trust.

  Jan rifled through the pockets of his coverall, and Andrea felt a flicker of dread. She bit her bottom lip, knowing without having to ask that it would not be a good idea to try and tell him to stop, to try and beg him not to punish her; she had invited it. She knew that if she really couldn’t handle what he was going to do, all she had to do was use her safe word. But all the same, she was—if only slightly—afraid of what his inventive, informed mind would inspire him to use to punish her. She wasn’t sure how much more spanking she could take. She wasn’t sure how much more pain her nipples could possibly endure. He uses the clamps for training, not punishment, she told herself. There had to be something he had in mind, but she had no idea what. Jan glanced at her and smiled slightly, the devil of a look in his eyes.

  He left the room and Andrea waited impatiently; she knew it was against the rules—without having to be told—to follow him and ask what he intended to do. She heard noises: rustling, clattering, a mysterious assortment of sounds she couldn’t decipher. Her heart started beating faster in her chest. She swallowed; how crazy was she to invite this first thing in the morning, before she’d even had her breakfast or even a cup of coffee? Andrea chewed her bottom lip anxiously.

  A few moments later, Jan came back into the room, hands full of the strangest assortment of items that Andrea could even imagine seeing with a man who was about to have sex with her. He had a bowl full of ice cubes and some scarves he had collected from the rack in the living room. She wondered in horror what the ice cubes were for.

  “Get up, little one,” Jan said, smiling wickedly. Andrea hesitated, even though she knew that if she put it off too long, it would only make her punishment worse. She took a deep breath, pushing down the contrary urge to use her safe word simply to wimp out of the punishment.

  Andrea let the blankets fall away and slipped out of the bed, standing unsteadily. Jan put the bowl of ice down and disentangled the collection of scarves, picking one out—the darkest-colored one of them all. He approached her and doubled the fabric over on itself, holding it up to the light to make sure it was fully opaque. Andrea swallowed against the convulsive tightening of her throat as Jan covered her eyes with the material and tied it tightly around her head, tugging it to make sure it was utterly secure and wouldn’t come free, no matter how she struggled.

  “I do not want you to anticipate,” he told her.

  Andrea nodded, wondering if she would rather know what was coming or have no clue. She felt Jan’s strong, big hands on her wrists; the alien pulled them around to her back and tied another scarf around them, twisting and coiling it around her arms until they were hopelessly pinned to the small of her back. This was a position that Andrea was slowly becoming accustomed to. She could feel the lingering ache in her shoulders from several such interludes trapped in the same position over the last two days—she told herself irrelevantly that she would ask Jan to bind her wrists in front next time and then marveled that she was already contemplating a next time.

  Blind and unsteady, her arms bound so tightly she knew she could never pull them free, Andrea was helpless to prevent the shove that Jan applied to her back, or the way she wound up sprawled across her own bed, her breath leaving her in a sharp “woof” of startlement. She felt Jan’s fingers coiling in her hair, grabbing at the knot in the scarf wrapped around her face and pulling her up, just enough to allow her to breathe. She felt movement on the bed, and then he was lifting
her hips up, pushing something soft and resilient underneath her abdomen, positioning her ass in the air. Andrea shivered as Jan caressed the curve of her ass cheeks, his fingers briefly straying to the cleft, brushing against her tight pucker. No, she thought. No-no-no-no-no. He is not going to use that as punishment. His touch retreated and she felt a wave of relief.

  “Do not tense up, little one,” Jan said, his voice full of amusement. “When I take your ass as my own, I will only do it when you beg me for it like a good sub should.” Andrea took a deep breath, shivering in reaction to the sudden spurt of fear she had felt. She still was not convinced that she would ever actually beg him to take her anally—especially not with his own enormous sex organ—but the fact that he was willing to wait until she was ready to take him that way was a point in his favor. Her fear ratcheted up another notch, however, when she felt the silky caress of another scarf against her leg, felt the slippery bite of it tightening around her ankles, binding her legs shut, trapping her in her vulnerable position. Her skin crawled, and she bit her bottom lip, trying not to anticipate and failing miserably.

  Jan waited her out, and Andrea finally sagged against the pillows holding her in position, giving into the necessities of her punishment. She felt his hand come down lightly across her ass cheek, sending tingling warmth through her body. He smacked her a few more times, almost playfully, and Andrea tugged and squirmed, knowing that there was some reason for the ice she could no longer see.

  She panted, trembling, she couldn’t deny that she was getting wetter and wetter by the moment. The fire emanating from her bottom was spreading throughout her body.

  “I think you are too hot,” Jan said, his voice taking on a playful note in spite of its firmness. “You should now cool down.” Andrea remembered the bowl of ice cubes with a shock. Oh god, oh god, oh god, what is he going to do with the ice? Somehow, Jan spread her legs at the knee, parting her thighs just enough to admit his hand. He stroked and rubbed her, making Andrea gasp, making her hips buck as she felt his warm touch against her pleasure center. “This is not your reward,” he told her firmly, and Andrea yelped as his hand came down across her throbbing buttocks.

  “Yes, Master,” she agreed. She heard a rustle, a clatter, and bit her lip against the scream she could feel bubbling up in her chest. Andrea wanted desperately to be able to see—to be able to know just what was happening, what was about to happen to her. She had never felt more helpless or vulnerable in her life, and never while simultaneously feeling so incredibly turned on that she thought she might burst.

  The first shock of intense, mind-numbing cold shot through her as Jan brushed an ice cube across her tender, abused buttocks, making Andrea gasp and moan in a mixture of pleasure and acute almost-pain. It was too much—she couldn’t take it. The icy tingle set in, more cold spreading, water dripping down along her legs, gliding down in droplets to tickle and caress her wet labia. After the initial shock, she could appreciate the keen, almost agonizing pleasure that the numbness afforded.

  When she thought she was finally used to the cold, when she was moaning for more, Jan surprised her again. The ice that had felt so good against her ass cheeks brushed against her drenched, throbbing, hot labia, sending an electric jolt of sensation that made her whimper. She groaned as she felt Jan push the cube into her body slowly, able to trace the aching cold as it worked its way inside her, melting in her body heat. He added another, and she whimpered, her body convulsively attempting to hold onto the melting ice already inside it, a little stream of water dripping out of her. A third, and she was shivering, tugging helplessly at the binds on her arms, twisting her legs to try and free them of their captivity. Jan’s fingertips pressed against her, holding the ice in place, and Andrea almost screamed with a mixture of frustration, pleasure, and overstimulation so intense that it verged on discomfort.

  “You must cool down,” Jan told her, his free hand caressing her still-tingling ass. “You will hold still until the ice is fully melted, and then your punishment is complete.”

  The ice, which had seemed to melt so quickly at first, lingered, and Andrea felt a kind of strange humiliation as the water from its melt trickled down along her labia, dripping onto the sheets below her. Bit by bit, the three cubes tucked inside her dissolved, and she felt her muscles flexing involuntarily around them, even as deep, body-wide shivers took her over. Moans ripped through her lips from somewhere deep in her chest, so intense they were nearly sobs, and Andrea tried to mentally bring up her body heat, struggling not to squirm as the ice inside her transformed from solid to liquid.

  Finally, Jan’s fingers shifted down, beginning to rub along her labia, stroking her pleasure center until any thought of how chilled she was, how brutal the feeling of ice melting deep inside her had been, started to dissolve from Andrea’s mind. “Good little one,” Jan murmured, and she felt his lips brush along her back, her shoulder. “Tell me why you were punished.”

  “I was punished for ly-lying, Master,” she said, her teeth chattering from a mixture of lingering cold and bone-deep arousal. She was grateful for the pillows underneath her. Andrea thought that she could not have supported her own weight if her life had depended on it.

  The bed shifted underneath her, and Andrea felt the silky scarf around her ankles sliding, loosening, pulling free. She whimpered helplessly, knowing that the next thing would be her reward. “I will not make you show your regret and appreciation this time, since it was not me you wronged,” Jan told her, amusement in his voice. “Instead I will simply make you come as your reward for cleverness.” She felt the intense heat and hardness of his erection pressing against her from behind, felt Jan’s hands pulling her thighs apart. Andrea had a brief moment of fear as one of his fingers briefly touched her tight pucker—but then he was merely holding her hips, positioning her once more the way he wanted.

  She groaned as she felt his hard, nearly rigid member press into her slowly, filling her up from behind. Andrea let her head fall in front of her, giving her body up completely to the invasion, moaning over and over again as Jan pushed deeper and deeper inside her. He felt like a blindingly hot stone, smooth and so incredibly hard that she wondered if he might somehow have some kind of bone in his sex organ. The question left her mind as Jan began to rock his hips, pressing them flush against her buttocks, pulling out only slightly only to plunge deeper inside of her. Somehow the position was absolutely ideal for sending the tip of his enormous member rubbing up against her inner pleasure-center, and Andrea was lost in pleasure in a matter of moments, swiftly reaching orgasm. She cried out, thanking him and begging him for more, and Jan managed to hold back his own climax, working her with his erection, groaning with the effort of keeping his own control. Her desire flagged and then, as he continued to move inside her, rekindled.

  Andrea was nearly mindless from sensation, pushing her hips back in automatic movements, murmuring, shouting, sobbing praise for her Master as Jan brought her to another fast, intense orgasm. She was shuddering, gasping for breath, thinking that this might actually be the time when she came so completely that her heart just stopped. She sagged, absolutely spent and trembling with relief and overstimulation, and the world went even blacker than the blindfold could make it.

  As Andrea swam back up into consciousness, she became aware of several things in rapid succession: she was no longer tied up or blindfolded, she was wrapped in Jan’s strong arms, cradled against his body, and he was murmuring praise in her ear as he stroked her all over. “You are my good little one, Drea,” he whispered, brushing his lips along her cheek. “You came so hard, you came so well, my little Drea.” Part of Andrea’s mind bristled at the possessiveness, particularly considering what the alien’s motivations were for being on the planet. But she was honest enough with herself to admit that another part of her mind reveled in it. The softened, almost affectionate tone in Jan’s voice, his hands moving over her body, were so soothing in the wake of her punishment and her reward.

  She took a deep
breath and looked up into Jan’s face. His golden eyes were warm, but there was something that looked like sadness behind them. “You seem to have a lot on your mind,” Andrea said, smiling slightly. “I’m having a hard time thinking at all.”

  “I was thinking it was good that you will not have to go to work today,” he said slowly. “I do not have much more time here.” Andrea’s eyes widened. She hadn’t considered that aspect of things. Jan was an alien, on a specific mission. Of course he wasn’t there indefinitely. The impact of his comment, and what it meant to her, hit her gradually at first, gaining speed rapidly as the haze of pleasure evaporated. She had called out of work for today—but she had not given any thought to the future. Somehow, somewhere in her mind, she had assumed that Jan would be there in her room, that she would continue being his sub, disregarding anything else of the real world that would interfere.

  “How much longer do you have?

  “That is complicated,” Jan’s lips twisted into something like a grimace. “I have decided that I cannot bring a woman and fulfill my quota. This is a problem.”

  Andrea smiled slightly, brushing her hair from her face. “So you decided that outright? You didn’t seem quite so certain the last time we talked about it.”

  Jan looked into her eyes. “I told you before that it would be in bad taste. I am more certain of it now.” He shifted on the bed, pulling Andrea around on top of him. “I cannot subject another woman to what I know would be… unpleasant. Not when I know you.”

  Andrea swallowed. Part of her was flattered at the fact that she had managed to effect such a change in the alien’s mind. Another part of her worried about what the consequences of that would be—not only for Jan, but for her. “So you can’t bring yourself to do that… yeah, it would make things complicated for you.”