Unworldly Encounter Complete Series Page 12
“Okay, okay, you win,” she said, pulling back to look up into his unearthly, purple-tinged face. “Let’s get this over with.”
Andrea had an odd sense of apprehension mixed with satisfaction at the way things had come full circle as she pulled her car onto the soft shoulder of the road where she had first met Jan. In that short time she had found a man—or, at least, a being—who she could feel comfortable contemplating the rest of her life with. She had learned about her own enjoyment of being dominated, and come to the conclusion that even if Jan had to go back to his own people, she would never find another partner who suited her quite so admirably as he did.
Jan took her hand tightly in his as he led her through the woods. For a moment, she felt a deep, instinctive fear he was taking her to his transport. What if his statements about not wanting to take a human woman for experimentation had been a lie? What if it had all been a ruse to get her guard down, to make sure she wouldn’t fight going with him to his transport? He could throw her into the vessel easily—Andrea knew with experience how strong he was in comparison to her. She wouldn’t be able to stop him.
Well, if he fooled you this thoroughly, it’s not like you can do anything about it now, Andrea thought with resignation. If she was going to be experimented on, if she was going to have her body probed by strange aliens—she would just have to accept that she’d been enough of an idiot to assume an alien was telling her the truth. The betrayal, she thought, would actually hurt worse than anything Jan’s fellow scientists could do to her. Then, images of what that could entail—needles, electric shocks, surgical implements, tools like the ones Jan had already familiarized her with being wielded by other aliens—filled her mind, and Andrea wasn’t sure anymore.
Her heart beat faster as Jan’s communications device buzzed again. He answered it, muttering something lowly in his alien language. Andrea shivered, filled with apprehension. I should have suggested I would wait at the car, she thought bleakly as they moved deeper and deeper into the woods. Even without the added fear of being loaded into a transport and carried off to a bunch of aliens, the dark, quiet woods would be scary; her fear-filled thoughts alternated between being bitten by something poisonous and the nebulous idea of alien experimentation until her heart was pounding. “I am telling them I am being followed by the mate of the woman I selected,” Jan told her. It occurred to Andrea she had taken everything he had told her about his communications with his fellows on face value; she didn’t know his language at all.
I should have contacted someone at the government, she thought. But just imagine that scenario. You couldn’t reach anyone in the government who would actually take you seriously—or who would have any power. And everyone else would just think you were batshit. She was stuck with her fate—whatever it was. She remembered Jan’s assertion, when he admitted his people were on the planet looking for research subjects, that humans didn’t seem to miss their people for very long. She would be missed the next day at work—but for how long would anyone actually look for her? With nothing at all to go on, they’d give up quickly, mourn her, and forget her.
Jan stopped suddenly, and Andrea, lost in her fearful thoughts, nearly tripped over his feet, staggering to a stop next to him. “When I turn this on,” he said, holding up the slightly glowing communications device so she could see it, “I want you to scream as if you are being taken away.” Andrea thought wryly that she could manage that; she still couldn’t quite shake the feeling that was exactly what was about to happen to her. She nodded, licking her lips. Her mouth felt so dry—her throat felt tight. For a moment, as Jan pressed something on the device and it chirped to life, she thought she couldn’t manage to make a sound.
But at a squeeze of Jan’s hand on hers, Andrea shrieked, giving herself up to the fear that had started to bubble up. Jan said something sharply into the device, a combination of syllables. He began to run towards something, holding her hand tightly, swinging her out of the way of branches and tree roots that Andrea didn’t even see until she was past them in the darkness. He squeezed her hand again and she screamed, her throat aching from the force of the sound.
Jan stopped again, panting—making it seem, Andrea instinctively knew, as if he had run much farther, much faster, than they had. She screamed again, hoping against hope she could trust this person who had called himself her mate, her Master. He said something into the device again and tapped something on it, and before her eyes, the darkness of the woods in front of her gave way to shimmering light. She stood, transfixed, as a small craft of incredible complexity began to take shape in front of her, shedding its concealment. This is it, she thought. This is where I find out whether or not I can trust him. Jan let go of her hand and Andrea watched him moving around; where there had only been a smooth, sleek, roughly ovoid-shaped hull, a hatch formed, opening to reveal a much larger space than what she had first assumed.
Jan looked at her, giving a slight nod. His communications device was still on. Andrea screamed again, her throat raw from what she had already done; Jan ducked into the hatch, leaving her behind, alone in the darkness with the staggering sight in front of her. Her fear transformed from the idea that Jan would haul her back to his people to the conviction that he was leaving her for good—that it had been a set-up of a different kind entirely. She heard shouts, incoherent alien babble, clanging and the sounds of a struggle. Andrea couldn’t imagine anyone other than Jan was on the transport; she hadn’t even been able to see it in the woods—surely no human was on there, and if there had been a cohort waiting for him, Jan would have known about it, wouldn’t he?
Suddenly, just as her fear was at its most intense, Jan appeared in the hatch, grabbing at her hand. For a moment, Andrea instinctively fought, her earlier fear once more rising to the surface; but he was pulling her away, lifting her off of her feet as he carried her through the woods, running away from the transport. “We must get away,” he said lowly. “It will destroy itself in minutes; we cannot be here.” Andrea wondered if Jan even knew where the car was—if he was heading towards it or just eager to get away from the impending self-destruction of his vessel. Her heart pounded as Jan finally set her on her feet as they reached the edges of the deep woods.
She felt the ground rumbling underneath her; Jan turned in the direction of the transport, and Andrea followed his gaze. Deep in the woods, almost out of sight, she saw something glowing more and more intensely, heard crackling, thundering pressures. She glanced at her alien lover and saw a fleeting expression of regret on his face before he turned towards the car. “Let us go back to your home, Drea,” he said. “The noise will attract attention.”
On the way back to her house, Jan explained the fire caused by the ship’s self-destruction would be limited; it was specifically designed to create the least possible environmental damage when destroying itself. There would be scorching in the area, and the animals in the woods would probably avoid the space for a while, but there would be nothing at all for human investigators to discover of the alien technology or what had happened.
The moment they were inside the house once more, Jan swept Andrea into his arms, kissing her hungrily. “You were afraid,” he observed, pulling back slightly, even as his arms wrapped firmly around her waist.
Andrea nodded wryly,“Well, I did entertain the thought that you might either be tricking me into coming with you, or about to abandon me.”
“I will have to punish you for that later—for doubting me.” Andrea tingled all over; she couldn’t think of a punishment she would be more willing to take than that one. “For now, we must make love.” Jan began stripping her clothes off quickly, laying kisses everywhere along her body as more and more of her skin was exposed. He guided her towards the couch and Andrea laughed to herself, pawing at his coverall.
“You have to get rid of that thing, now that you’re stuck here,” she said, tugging the fabric down over his shoulders.
“We will burn it this weekend,” Jan agreed. “In between trai
ning sessions. This weekend I believe I will take you anally—you will give yourself to me, now you know I will always be your Master, yes?” Andrea shook her head, rolling her eyes as she smiled. She was down to nothing but her underwear without even fully knowing how it had happened, being pressed gently onto her back against the couch.
“Okay, fine,” she said. “But you have to go very, very slowly—and promise you won’t hurt me.” Jan nipped at her neck playfully, his hands slipping down to her panties, tugging them over her hips. Andrea could feel the heat and hardness of him pressing into her and the knowledge that she could have her alien lover for as long as she wanted him—as often as she wanted him—added to her arousal. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him close.
“I never will hurt you, Drea,” Jan told her firmly. “My little one.” He kissed her hungrily, swallowing down her moans, his forked tongue slithering against her human one as his erection pressed against her soaking wet folds. He filled her up slowly with his rigid heat, letting Drea feel every inch of him pushing into her body. She fell into rhythm with him, pushing her hips down to meet his thrusts, touching him everywhere. It was the sweetest, most satisfying session of lovemaking she had ever had with him—with anyone.
Andrea kissed everywhere her lips could reach, touched everywhere her hands could find, as she and Jan moved together, their hips colliding. She would never again fail to trust Jan; as her pleasure mounted swiftly, fueled by the danger of their narrow success at severing the alien’s ties to his people for good, Andrea didn’t even wait to be given permission to give in to her orgasm. She cried out over and over again, clinging to Jan. She felt the hot, gushing flood of his pleasure rushing into her as he reached his own climax right behind her, holding onto her tightly, kissing her hungrily. Whatever the future might hold for them, Andrea had perfect confidence that the alien who had made himself her Master and mate would do everything he could to give her that level of pleasure every single day, that he would test her boundaries and give her what no man on the planet had managed to in her entire adult life: pure satisfaction. She fell into a sleepy doze with his weight against her, contented and safe in his arms.
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Larissa Ladd
An Elemental Series
Cavern of Light Series
The Witch’s Love Spell Series
A Psychic Romance Series
Eye of the Coven Series
Oakshade Manor Series
Larissa Ladd is a dreamer with insights fresh as the frost newly formed on the twig whose snap echoes through the moonlit forest. Since as a child she discovered the storybook world of ghouls and goblins, she's been a devotee of the eerie, the supernatural, and all that raises the hairs on the back of the neck. Her spine still shivers with delight when she huddles fearfully in a darkling corner, enthralled in suspenseful tales from her favorite authors Dean Koontz, Stephen King, and John Saul. Feast your eyes on the scintillating flashes of garish color dabbed forth from her pen.